Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Coming up in the new year

There are some things that will be taking place in this up and coming year. The first is the worst. Flashpoint will no longer be providing child care. When we first started out we did not have this as an option and we all survived. If this causes an incovinience to ya'll I am sorry. To be frank about it we simply just can't afford it any more. I am however open to anything we could do to fix this issue.

I am also going to be rotating months with Mr. Burdette. The month of Jan, 2008 will be taught by Sensei Burdette. I will be taking the month of Feb, 2008. Then him, then myself and so on. I will also no longer be teaching a class from 6pm to 730pm. It has just become to much to ask of my family. Many Fridays we are there at 3 or 4 till well after 9pm. However I will be available for private lessons. More details are forthcoming.

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