Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Patch

I am doing this to give y'all the description of the patch. Some of you mite not know what all of this stands for.
The shield design of the patch: resembles the Shield of Faith.
Flashpoint: is the point in which someone bursts into action.
IN HOC Signo Vinces: Latin for In His Name We will Concur.
Nil Satis Nisi Optimum: Latin for Nothing but Your best is Good Enough.
The gold Alpha and Omega symbol: He is the Beginning and the End (He will finish what He Started).
The Tori: Symbol of higher learning.
The Gold color represents His Glory.
The Red back round: represents the Blood that He has shed for us.
Patience, Respect, Perseverance: The three characteristics we believe make a christian martial artist.


Hello all:
Sorry that its been so long, life has been nuts. To say the least!! I am going to attempt to update the blog and the web site but I cant find my account info. So pray for me. Thank you all for your support and your prayers. Flashpoint would not be what it is with out those things.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Lenny and Michael having fun!

Fellowship Meal

On Friday May 30th, from 7pm until..., instead of regular class, we will meet at the Wanser's house for a hotdog supper. Please bring a drink and a dessert or sidedish to share. Bring your family or a friend. Please contact us for directions. We can't wait to see you!

Friday, March 7, 2008


Sorry that it has been so long since I have updated our BLOG. Time got away from me. I would like to start by saying WELCOME to all of the new students. We at Flashpoint are glad that you have made this your home!
We have many, many students that have been out for some time now and we as a ministry need to be making contact with these people.
We have made some changes within the class. As you can see we only have one class on Friday nights starting at 7:00pm. Mr. Burdette and I are also rotating months for teaching the Bible lesson and Martial arts training. This is something that has helped me tremendously. I hope that you are all benefiting from these changes.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Private lessons

Private lessons are now avalible. These lessons will be provided on Thursday nights, Friday morrnings (early), os Saturday morrnings (early). Each lesson will run for a 90 min. period. The cost will be 40.00 per lesson, this will cover the cost of time and gas. At this time monthy rates are not availabel.

There is a great advantage to being taught in this way. The greatest advantage is that a lot of information can be covered in this period of time.

** If you are interested in this contact me at **